The Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE) at the Rotman School of Management promotes an understanding of gender inequalities and how they can be remedied – by people of all genders – in the world of business and, more broadly, in the economy.

At GATE, we are changing the conversation on gender equality by:

  • Investigating the hidden mechanisms that propagate gender equality
  • Funding, translating, and disseminating innovative, academic research
  • Engaging executives, policy makers, and students to create new solutions for achieving equality, advancing careers, and creating economic prosperity

We value the independence of our scholarship. Please see our conflict of interest statement here.

A Year of Impact

The GATE Team

PhD Fellow
Nouman Ashraf
Faculty Teaching Fellow
Dr. Kate Bezanson
Faculty Research Fellow, on leave
Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD Fellow
Maja Djikic
Faculty Teaching Fellow
Faculty Research Fellow, GBV Project Lead
Postdoctoral Fellow
Vanessa Serra Larocci
Executive-in-Residence; Instructor
Salwa Iqbal
Digital Storyteller
Academic Director
Sarah Kaplan
Founding Director
Faculty Teaching Fellow
Kourtney Koebel
Postdoctoral Fellow
Nicola Lacetera
Faculty Research Fellow
PhD Fellow
Project Lead, Gender Analytics
Lechin Lu_Project Lead
Associate Director
Lindsay Manning
Director of Development (Rotman Advancement)
Victor Marsh
Postdoctoral Fellow
Angie Min Ah Park Photo
Postdoctoral Fellow
Carmina Ravanera
Senior Research Associate
Faculty Research Fellow
Nika Stelman Headshot
Alumna-in-Residence; Instructor
Lucienne Talba
Postdoctoral Fellow
András Tilcsik
Faculty Research Fellow

Contact Us

Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE)
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
105 St George Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 3E6 Canada