For Students with Disabilities, Discrimination Starts Before They Even Enter School
Alleviating disability discrimination in schools will require bigger-picture changes, so that it’s not seen as a zero-sum game.
We need to talk about (career) reinvention
There are ways to sharpen your skills, test unknown vocations and find new passions — all in a low-risk way. There can be real opportunity in staying put but shaking things up.
5 myths about Gender Analytics
It's tempting to think that an inclusive approach to analytics is just an add-on to a day-to-day job, or worse, isn't profitable. But, those are all just myths.
Make remote work a plus instead of a penalty for gender equality
How can we make remote work a plus instead of a penalty for gender equality?
Creating Value in the Care Economy
The pandemic has forced society to recognize that care work is inextricably linked to social and economic outcomes. Prioritizing it will help us all in future crises.
We need to make sure telecommuting does not exacerbate gender disparity
Global authorities have proposed interventions to improve the telecommuting experience, such as establishing work–life boundary strategies, and maintaining regular social interactions. However, the potential negative gendered consequences of remote work remain under-acknowledged.
An Equity Lens on Artificial Intelligence
Rotman Management Magazine
Carmina Ravanera and Sarah Kaplan discuss how business leaders, policymakers and researchers must work together to prevent the reinforcement of inequality through technology.