Investing with a Gender Lens
Rotman Management Magazine
Rotman Professor Sarah Kaplan describes, in an interview, the emerging investing movement that is using a ‘gender lens’ to uncover value.How Subtle Class Cues Can Backfire on Your Resume
Harvard Business Review
Hiring at professional services firms is highly skewed toward applicants from wealthy families. But this research uncovered a disturbing twist: coming from an advantaged social background helps only men.Tackling the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship
Knowledge @ Insead
VCs claim that if women pitched high-quality businesses, the meritocracy would duly reward them. But research shows that all else being equal, men still fare better than women.The Risky Rhetoric of Female Risk Aversion
Stanford Social Innovation Review
Economic development efforts regularly focus on women, often because women are seen as risk averse and more likely to use money prudently. But this seemingly beneficial stereotype can lead to discrimination and unequal outcomes.
Strategies to Promote Women Should Vary Across Cultures
Harvard Business Review
Countries with tighter cultures have fewer women in leadership but can implement diversity policies (such as quotas, equal pay) more easily.