Gender wage gap narrows to 13.3%, women earn $4.13 less per hour
Sarah Kaplan comments on Statistics Canada's latest report on the gender wage gap in The Star.
Sarah Kaplan comments on Statistics Canada's latest report on the gender wage gap in The Star.
Canada's gender wage gap is narrowing, but still persists. Sarah Kaplan offered her take on what is still needed to help get rid of the gap on BNN Bloomberg.
Faculty Research Fellow András Tilcsik's study on the gendered impacts of 10-point rating scales appears in Brazilian publication Exame.
Sarah Kaplan comments on women-oriented financial products, and why financial services markets need to acknowledge women's experiences, on GreedyRates.
Sarah Kaplan spoke to LiisBeth about corporate social responsibility, activism, and innovation.
Sarah Kaplan is interviewed in an episode of Run it Like a Girl, a podcast featuring the stories of women leaders from different fields and industries.
Following the release of Trudeau's blackface and brownface photos, Faculty Research Fellow Sonia Kang appeared on CTV News discussing the entrenchment of racism in Canadian society.
In our fourth Industry Partner Workshop on September 23, 2019, our researchers and partners engaged with topics such as race and gender in digital journalism, gender stereotypes and entrepreneurial financing, and de-biasing job postings.
GATE-funded researcher Mikhail Simutin presented his research on the origins of the gender wage gap at Boston College and was featured in the student paper, The Heights.
This policy brief summarizes how gender identity and expression protections can support transgender and gender-nonconforming people in the workplace, the benefits and challenges of using these protections, and how to move towards greater workplace inclusion.