Virtually no change in getting woman on boards in Canada, stats show
The Star
The Wall Street Journal
Frustrated with the lack of progress towards gender equality in the economy, proponents of diversity are building the "business case" for action. But, Professor Sarah Kaplan argues in this TEDx talk, this may do more harm than good.
Knowledge @ Insead
VCs claim that if women pitched high-quality businesses, the meritocracy would duly reward them. But research shows that all else being equal, men still fare better than women.Stanford Social Innovation Review
Economic development efforts regularly focus on women, often because women are seen as risk averse and more likely to use money prudently. But this seemingly beneficial stereotype can lead to discrimination and unequal outcomes.
If gender equality promises benefits to everyone, why aren’t we embracing it? Catherine Mayer tackles this question in “Attack of the Fifty Foot Women.” | April 2017
Aaron Dhir presented the findings of his latest book: Challenging Boardroom Homogeneity: Corporate Law, Governance, and Diversity | May 3, 2017
A panel discussion commemorating Equal Pay Day discussed the gender wage gap, child care, parental leave (maternity and paternity), education/skills development, and business norms and practices.
More than 50 trailblazing women offer surprising insights & lessons in this in-the-trenches career guide. | March 2017
“Meritocracy: From Myth to Reality” explores and suggests a tension that exists in corporate and investment communities: we believe that we operate in a meritocracy, but the evidence increasingly suggests that we do not. Sonya Kunkel, Chief Diversity Officer & VP, Talent Strategies, BMO Financial Group spoke with Sarah Kaplan about this.