‘Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppression lens’ used for layoffs at tech firm – but is that legal?
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan speaks to TechWire about how firms can level the playing field for marginalized groups during layoffs.
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan speaks to TechWire about how firms can level the playing field for marginalized groups during layoffs.
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan speaks to Canadian Business about unconscious bias in the field of investing, and how redesigning the system is a better way to incorporate women.
Lots of exciting news for the new school year!
A panel discussion on how pandemic-era flexible working arrangements are being adapted to support on-going accessibility initiatives. | October 18, 2022
In conversation with author Andrew Leon Hanna we explore the stories of refugee entrepreneurship and tales of power, determination, hope and dignity. | October 6, 2022
The pandemic has forced society to recognize that care work is inextricably linked to social and economic outcomes. Prioritizing it will help us all in future crises.
Toxic positivity—the idea that the best way to cope with a challenging situation is to put a positive spin on it—is a coping strategy often promoted in companies. In this podcast limited series, GATE MBA Fellow Simone Lima investigates the effects of toxic positivity on employees, especially women, and on company culture.
To understand how gender and its intersections shape policy and [...]
Job posting - Part time Assistant Professor for Gender Analytics [...]
Look what we’ve planned for you!