Women, men, and time: How Lotte Bailyn reframed workplace practices
GATE's Founding Director Sarah Kaplan is mentioned in this article about Lotte Bailyn’s pioneering research about workplace practices. (Image credit: Oboh Moses)
GATE's Founding Director Sarah Kaplan is mentioned in this article about Lotte Bailyn’s pioneering research about workplace practices. (Image credit: Oboh Moses)
A new comment by Kim de Laat, Sarah Kaplan, and Lechin Lu in The Lancet shares insights on how structural interventions can be applied to accelerate progress for women in health and science.
Investing in Women = Investing in System Change – AND – We Want to Hear from YOU!
A panel discussion for Autism Acceptance Month. Experts will discuss how engaging the autistic community can be a catalyst for building innovative and successful teams. | April 4, 2024
Adult development expert Maja Djikic explores how to escape the paradox of success without happiness and how you can move towards your own path of fulfilling self-development. | March 4, 2024
Carmina Ravanera, Kim De Laat, and Sarah Kaplan write in Forbes about healthy workplace policies, remote and hybrid work models and equality in the workplace. (Image: Shutterstock)
An exciting report on how gender-based analysis can lead to transformational innovations. It highlights lessons learned from the menstrual hygiene industry (Knix), real estate (the Reina project), international economic development (MEDA), and a tech startup (Equilo).
GATE's Senior Research Associate Carmina Ravanera speaks to Human Resources Director about workplace microagressions, job segregation, and how to make workplaces more inclusive for women.
GATE's Founding Director Sarah Kaplan's work is highlighted in this Forbes article on leadership and innovation. (Photo by Scott Barbour/Getty Images)
GATE's Postdoctoral Fellow Camellia Bryan speaks to the Canadian HR Reporter about whether or not the diversity backlash is coming to Canada, implicit bias testing, and effective DEI initiatives.