Shattering the second glass ceiling: Financing women’s entrepreneurial ventures
We know funding is one of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face, but how is it different for women starting their own businesses?
We know funding is one of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face, but how is it different for women starting their own businesses?
Is femtech an innovative and disruptive space for women’s health, or simply a buzzword?
Sarah Kaplan and Isabel Fernandez-Mateo explore the stereotype of the Queen Bee Syndrome, in The Conversation.
GATE Postdoctoral Fellow, Kira Lussier, is featured in the Globe and Mail, commenting on the new challenge this process presents to candidates.
Although Black and white job seekers use their social networks to find jobs at similar rates, Black job seekers are less likely to receive a job offer through their networks. This study looks at why the networks of Black job seekers may be less effective in producing jobs.
Online diversity training is an emerging tool among organizations today. Although intended to change attitudes towards bias, this study examines how employees who were relatively less supportive of women, demonstrate attitudinal change, but not behavioural change.
Sarah and host Manjula Selvarajah dug into the Global Gender Gap report showing we are 100 years from achieving equality!
GATE faculty research fellow Sonia Kang says in the Financial Times that employers have been slow at rethinking how they manage a diverse workforce.
Recaps: See video from fireside chats with Dr. Jen Gunter and Robyn Doolittle!
A 2017 Canadian study revealed that 64% of women and 53% of men believe that sexual harassment happens at their workplace. Organizations face a legal, moral, and business imperative to prevent sexual harassment of their employees, but is anti-sexual harassment training the right tool to do so?