Les femmes détenant un nouveau doctorat atteignent l’équité salariale
Dans Le Droit, Sarah Kaplan explique les causes de l'écart salarial entre hommes et femmes.
Dans Le Droit, Sarah Kaplan explique les causes de l'écart salarial entre hommes et femmes.
McCarthy Uniforms is a uniform supplier to schools, sports teams, municipalities, and businesses. This case study focuses on how the leadership team used gender-based analysis to identify growth opportunities in a turnaround strategy to save McCarthy Uniforms from bankruptcy.
Clio explains how the company used research from the Institute for Gender and the Economy to successfully implement a gender quota.
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Global News about how job segregation and the motherhood penalty lead to the gender pay gap.
This case study examines Amazon Studios' Trans-Affirmative Action Program on the set of "Transparent," which aimed to hire, train, and support trans people at every level of the production, showing the systemwide effort that must be undertaken to make workplace inclusion effective.
Policy brief: Towards a more equitable gig economy
Speaking to Salt Lake City Weekly, Sarah Kaplan examines the connections between mansplaining and fansplaining.
L’éditorial de Sarah Kaplan, qui explique le « mansplaining » et ce que les organisations peuvent faire pour le combattre, paraît dans le Huffington Post.
Dans le Huffington Post Sarah Kaplan fait des commentaires sur la nouvelle gamme de produits de Pepsico, telle que «Lady Doritos», destinée aux consommatrices.
Sarah Kaplan discute dans le Huffington Post comment l'intelligence artificielle est utilisée pour lutter contre les préjugés sur le lieu de travail.