Investing with a Gender Lens
Rotman Management Magazine
Rotman Professor Sarah Kaplan describes, in an interview, the emerging investing movement that is using a ‘gender lens’ to uncover value.Rotman Management Magazine
Rotman Professor Sarah Kaplan describes, in an interview, the emerging investing movement that is using a ‘gender lens’ to uncover value.Harvard Business Review
Hiring at professional services firms is highly skewed toward applicants from wealthy families. But this research uncovered a disturbing twist: coming from an advantaged social background helps only men.Diane Elson, former Chair of the UK Women's Budget Group talks about gender budgeting which seeks to secure social and economic justice.
The gendered nature of pricing bubbles in experimental asset markets
The traditional division of household labour gets reproduced in husband-wife ventures
Pro-diversity value statements impact the applications of racial minorities but do not protect these applicants from hiring bias
How mixed-gender committees may lead to more biased results than all-male committees.
How the gender of the CEO matters for compensation.
Higher-class women are seen as less committed than their male counterparts
How gender influences our perceptions of the value of technology