Greater impact on women — and how we can rebuild equitably
Women of Influence
Sarah Kaplan on COVID’s greater impact on women — and how we can rebuild equitably.
Women of Influence
Sarah Kaplan on COVID’s greater impact on women — and how we can rebuild equitably.
Academy of Management
A summary of Rachael Goodman and Sarah Kaplan's research examining how women's ability to engage in paid work is obstructed by pre-existing domestic burdens, which extract a heavy toll on women’s time and energy.
Fast Company
Sarah Kaplan writes about what it means for businesses to ‘build back better’ after COVID-19.
Rotman Management Magazine
Sarah Kaplan and Sonia Kang explore five myths that are still leading to discrimination against women in medicine — and across industries.
Fast Company
Sarah Kaplan writes about the need for businesses to reconsider their motives behind embracing diversity.
GATE funded researchers, Joyce He, Sonia Kang, and Nico Lacetera explore possibilities to close the gender promotion gap.
Rotman Management Magazine
Sarah Kaplan explains how to approach the stakeholder trade-offs inherent in every business model.
University of Toronto Magazine
Sarah Kaplan writes about the gender wage gap: Women pay a price for seeking more flexible jobs after having children. Good legislation won’t solve the problem – we need to look at cultural changes, too.
Rotman Management Magazine
Karen Christensen interviews Vanessa Serra Iarocci to discuss Iarocci's experience utilizing design thinking principles to solve the gender gap in business.
Rotman Management Magazine
Sarah Kaplan interviews Kevin Lobo and Richard Nesbitt about their experiences supporting gender equality; including tools and tactics they've utilized.