Why are law firms still failing on diversity?
GATE Faculty Research Fellow Sonia Kang speaks about a range of evidence-backed ways to create more diverse and inclusive workplaces.
GATE Faculty Research Fellow Sonia Kang speaks about a range of evidence-backed ways to create more diverse and inclusive workplaces.
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan joins The Oxford Policy Pod to discuss the economic challenges and opportunities that women face across the world.
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan speaks to The Guardian about Ontario signing on to the federal government's subsidized childcare plan, and ways in which the deal could still fall short for low income families.
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan speaks to Lowest Rates Canada about how gender is 'not the best marker” for car insurance rates.
GATE Research Fellow Daphné Baldassari spoke with Radio Canada to discuss gender equality in business.
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan's work is mentioned in an article on diversity, equity and inclusion from HSM Management (Brazil)
Joyce He and Sonia Kang speak about the challenges that women can face in the workplace and offer a solution to the problem.
On International Women's Day GATE Director Sarah Kaplan shares how we can 'Break the bias'
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Vancouver Sun about women's retirement income gap.
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan is featured in this Forbes list of 11 inspiring women in higher education.