This radical change to how we promote employees could benefit women
GATE faculty research fellows Sonia Kang and Nicola Lacetera's research is featured in this article about different methods of employee promotions and how they could benefit women.
GATE faculty research fellows Sonia Kang and Nicola Lacetera's research is featured in this article about different methods of employee promotions and how they could benefit women.
(GATE) has received funding from Women and Gender Equality Canada for a two-year project, which will provide a roadmap for how Canada can lift the economy from the bottom up.
Recognizing GATE's report on artificial intelligence this article highlights the importance of using an equity-based lens in the tech sector.
GATE Director Sarah Kaplan discusses paid menstrual leave and some of its consequences in this Yahoo Finance article.
GATE Faculty Teaching Fellow Nouman Ashraf talks about how the Rotman School is combatting racism.
GATE director Sarah Kaplan and her work on boardrooms and gender diversity is featured in this Globe and Mail article.
Sarah Kaplan discusses her thoughts on gendered economies and gendered capitalism.
Sonia Kang discusses her research and thoughts on name discrimination in this Wired UK article.
Research by GATE Faculty Research Fellows Sonia Kang and András Tilcsik is featured in this article in Nature about discrimination based on names.
Joyce He and Sonia Kang comment on their research showing how women face a double disadvantage when it comes to writing cover letters.