2-page summaries for practitioners of cutting-edge research articles published recently in academic journals
Crowdfunding as activism
Why more women support female founders online and in underrepresented industries
2-page summaries for practitioners of cutting-edge research articles published recently in academic journals
Why more women support female founders online and in underrepresented industries
How work-family conflict can segregate women into lower-status ventures and reinforce gender gaps in entrepreneurship.
Newly appointed female directors are more likely to bring new and unique skills to the board.
When women are unsure about whether or not they belong, rejections lead to withdrawal.
How single women downplay their professional ambitions around single men
Women are asked to volunteer for low-status tasks more often than men, and accept much more often.
Gender quotas increase overall quality of both men and women
How stereotypical masculinity is rewarded over competence
The gendered nature of pricing bubbles in experimental asset markets
The traditional division of household labour gets reproduced in husband-wife ventures