Inclusive Business Innovation
We're teaming up with Rotman’s Executive Programs to present an exciting online asynchronous course: Inclusive Business Innovation. The course is led by GATE's founding director, Sarah Kaplan, and a host of other engaging faculty, and seamlessly integrates business analytics, human-centred design, and inclusive leadership. Together, we'll unveil untapped avenues for business innovation by employing an intersectional gender lens. Earn your microcredential today!
Gender Analytics Online: Gender equity through inclusive design
We offer a 5-course series on Coursera that applies Gender Analytics to create impact in business, government, and non-profit organizations. Explore inclusive analytic techniques, human-centered design, and transformational leadership to equip yourself with the tools you need to drive innovation. Whether you take individual courses or complete the full specialization, you'll emerge with knowledge and skills that will empower you to revolutionize products, services, processes, and policies, all through the lens of intersectional gender-based analysis.
Inclusion by Design
We are partnering with Rotman’s Executive Programs to offer a two-week course on Inclusion by Design. Led by GATE Academic Director Sonia Kang and Faculty Research Fellow András Tilcsik along with other GATE-affiliated researchers, this course brings game-changing guidance to anyone looking to recruit and lead diverse teams.
Course on Designing for Equality
Elective course for MBAs that uses design thinking to examine the root causes of complex gender-based challenges and come up with solutions.
Career-building short courses
Rotman’s Initiative for Women in Business offers executive education programs for women at all stages of their careers. The Initiative has been committed to strengthening the female talent pipeline since 2008. Together with award-winning faculty and corporate partners, they support the career development, decision-making and leadership skills of female professionals.