See newspaper, TV and other press featuring GATE and its researchers.
Seven-month lookback: how U of T experts have studied the social effects of COVID-19
The Varsity highlights several studies from the University of Toronto examining the impacts of COVID-19, including GATE's Feminist Economic Recovery Plan!
Women spoke out in support of Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin
Business Insider Australia features GATE in this piece highlighting the gender inequalities in work-life balance and how female leadership handling the pandemic has garnered international support.
Men accounted for more than two-thirds of Order of Canada appointments last year
CBC reports that less than a third of Canadians appointed to the Order of Canada last year were women, but Sarah Kaplan is pushing for Canadians from all backgrounds who have made extraordinary contributions to Canadian society to be considered.
Entrepreneurs will power the recovery, but they’ll need more than a little help from government
GATE postdoctoral fellow, Kim de Laat, is mentioned in this Financial Times exploring how entrepreneurs are already filling in the hole left by the COVID-19 recession.
How workplaces are adapting to COVID-19: a chat with Dr. Sonia Kang
Sonia Kang sits with Breakfast Television to discuss her new podcast 'For the Love of Work', a playbook for anyone looking for practical solutions to today’s workplace challenges.
How to make business fix supply chain flaws
Sarah Kaplan says organizations need to create audit committees for their social statistics and be looking at those as closely as they look at their financial numbers.
Rotman School Professor and Course Honoured with an Ideas Worth Teaching Award from The Aspen Institute
Sarah Kaplan and her course, The 360° Corporation, have received a 2020 Ideas Worth Teaching Award from the Aspen Institute for Business and Society Program!
The economy won’t heal till women are back at work
Women are out of work all over the country because of the pandemic. This Globe and Mail perspective piece, referencing our Feminist Economic Recovery Plan, pushes for a robust investment in child care and jobs training in order to build back better.
What a feminist post-COVID economic recovery looks like
GATE Research Associate, Carmina Ravanera, and co-author of the Feminist Economic Recovery Plan, discusses the plan and what the pandemic has revealed in this NOW Magazine feature.
How can employers support staff with children during pandemic schooling?
Sarah Kaplan is featured in this Benefits Canada piece and discusses why corporations need to pay better attention to working parents, especially women if they want to keep them in the workforce.