See newspaper, TV and other press featuring GATE and its researchers.
Would You Use a Women-Centric Financial Service?
Sarah Kaplan comments on women-oriented financial products, and why financial services markets need to acknowledge women's experiences, on GreedyRates.
A Better Way to Be Better
Sarah Kaplan spoke to LiisBeth about corporate social responsibility, activism, and innovation.
Photos of Trudeau in brownface ‘really says something about our country’
Following the release of Trudeau's blackface and brownface photos, Faculty Research Fellow Sonia Kang appeared on CTV News discussing the entrenchment of racism in Canadian society.
Simutin Explains How CEOs’ Formative Experiences Affect the Gender Wage Gap
GATE-funded researcher Mikhail Simutin presented his research on the origins of the gender wage gap at Boston College and was featured in the student paper, The Heights.
TIFF’s so money! Why Toronto slays at predicting box-office hits
Faculty Teaching Fellow Nouman Ashraf speaks to CBC News about how Toronto's diverse population means that TIFF's People's Choice Award-winning films resonate across the globe.
Mansplaining: New solutions to a tiresome old problem
Sarah Kaplan's opinion piece on solutions to mansplaining appears in Courrier Japon.
Les femmes détenant un nouveau doctorat atteignent l’équité salariale
Dans Le Droit, Sarah Kaplan explique les causes de l'écart salarial entre hommes et femmes.
How we doubled the representation of women in Engineering at Clio
Clio explains how the company used research from the Institute for Gender and the Economy to successfully implement a gender quota.
Women with PhDs earn as much as their male counterparts, but gap remains in other areas
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Global News about how job segregation and the motherhood penalty lead to the gender pay gap.
‘At Least You’re Pretty’
Speaking to Salt Lake City Weekly, Sarah Kaplan examines the connections between mansplaining and fansplaining.