See newspaper, TV and other press featuring GATE and its researchers.
Ces hommes qui m’expliquent la vie…
L’éditorial de Sarah Kaplan, qui explique le « mansplaining » et ce que les organisations peuvent faire pour le combattre, paraît dans le Huffington Post.
L’idée des croustilles pour femmes: un «test de marketing»?
Dans le Huffington Post Sarah Kaplan fait des commentaires sur la nouvelle gamme de produits de Pepsico, telle que «Lady Doritos», destinée aux consommatrices.
Des entreprises ont recours à la technologie pour favoriser la diversité
Sarah Kaplan discute dans le Huffington Post comment l'intelligence artificielle est utilisée pour lutter contre les préjugés sur le lieu de travail.
Fact check: CNN’s Democratic debate
Research by András Tilcsik (GATE grant recipient) and Sonia Kang (GATE Faculty Research Fellow) on resume whitening is referenced by CNN.
« Ces hommes qui m’expliquent la vie » : de nouvelles solutions à un très vieux problème
Dans un article d'opinion pour La Conversation, Sarah Kaplan explique comment éradiquer le "mansplaining".
Mansplaining: New solutions to a tiresome old problem
In an opinion piece for The Conversation, Sarah Kaplan discusses how to eradicate mansplaining.
Companies using technology to close the gender gap, but experts warn of pitfalls
Speaking to BNN Bloomberg, Sarah Kaplan comments on the bias hidden in algorithms. (This article also appeared in Canada's Occupational Health & Safety Magazine.)
Explaining the effect of ‘mansplaining’ in the work place
Sarah Kaplan appears on Metro Morning with Matt Galloway to talk about her latest piece on mansplaining.
New solutions to mansplaining
In an opinion piece for The Chronicle Herald, Sarah Kaplan discusses how to eradicate mansplaining. (This piece originally appeared in The Conversation, and also appeared in Fast Company.)
Moving Beyond The Business Case For Queer And Trans Inclusion
Sarah Kaplan is quoted in this piece by IN on moving beyond the business case for inclusion.