Indigenous Women and the Economy: Successes and challenges
Carol Anne Hilton and Devon Fiddler shared their successes and challenges in navigating the economy as Indigenous women, and their views on where we might go from here. | April 19
Jamil Jivani on “Why Young Men: Rage, Race and the Crisis of Identity”
Jamil Jivani, the founder of the Citizen Empowerment Project, joined us to discuss his latest book: "Why Young Men: Rage, Race and the Crisis of Identity." | April 9
Joanne Lipman on “That’s What She Said”
Joanne Lipman, Editor in Chief of USA TODAY, joined us on March 28 to talk about her book "That's What She Said: What Men Need to Know and Women Need to Tell Them About Working Together."
Women in STEM: A panel discussion
In honor of International Women's Day, we held a panel discussion on Women in STEM with Huda Idrees, Founder and CEO of Dot Health; Andrea Stairs, CEO of eBay Canada; Marisa Sterling, Assistant Dean, Inclusivity and Diversity at the Lassonde School of Engineering; Jessica Yamoah, Founder of Innovate Inclusion.
Industry Partner Workshop | February 2018
In our first Industry Partner Workshop, our researchers and partners engaged on the gender wage gap, the state-of-the-art on the business case for diversity, the unintended consequences of diversity statements and more.
Journalism and the #Metoo moment
In light of the #Metoo moment, we welcomed Catherine Porter, The New York Times’ Canada bureau chief to moderate a conversation with Jodi Kantor and Emily Steel, the investigative journalists who broke the Harvey Weinstein and Bill O’Reilly stories, and Jessica Bennett, the NYT’s gender editor.
Meritocracy: From Myth to Reality
View this 1-hour webcast of Sarah Kaplan's presentation on meritocracy and the ways it can produce biased outcomes. It was given as part of the medical school's City-Wide Grand Rounds.
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
Conversation with Mary Eberts, co-founder of LEAF (Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund) on the social and economic costs of gender-based violence and what can be done about it.
2nd Annual Research Roundtable on Gender and the Economy
We hosted our 2nd Annual Research Roundtable for academic researchers. This year, the discussion featured a keynote from Professor Laura Morgan Roberts, idea blitzes from U of T researchers, and a debate on the pros and cons of diversity training.
“Nudging” for Diversity
Our colleagues at BEAR (Behavioural Economics at Rotman) have a webinar series. Our own Faculty Research Fellow, Prof. Sonia Kang spoke on "Nudging for Diversity."