Livestream: Pamela Newkirk on “Diversity, Inc.: The Failed Promise of a Billion-Dollar Business”
Sonia Kang chatted with award-winning journalist, professor of journalism, and author of "Diversity Inc.", Pamela Newkirk, on how we need to abandon ineffective, costly inclusivity measures and commit ourselves to combatting enduring racial attitudes.
Livestream: Filmmaker Shalini Kantayya on “Artificial Intelligence and Bias”
In conversation with Sarah Kaplan, filmmaker Shalini Kantayya discussed her 2020 documentary film Coded Bias and the impact of Artificial Intelligence’s increasing role in governing our liberties.
Livestream: Christine Beckman & Melissa Mazmanian on “Dreams of the Overworked”
In conversation with Sonia Kang, Christine Beckman and Melissa Mazmanian discuss the real reasons we feel inadequate in the face of our dreams, and a call to celebrate how we support one another in the service of family and work in our daily life.
Livestream: “A Toolkit for Leaders: 4 Short Talks”
This 4 Short Talks speaker series, hosted by the Rotman Management Magazine, features contributors from their Fall 2020 issue. Speakers, including Sarah Kaplan, will discuss how to build back better from COVID-19.
Livestream: Cleo Stiller on “Modern Manhood: The Complicated World of Being a Good Man”
In conversation with Nouman Ashraf, Cleo Stiller opened up about "Modern Manhood", and what it means to genuinely be a good man, whether in dating, work, or money and everything else in between.
Livestream: A Feminist Economic Recovery Plan For Canada
An exciting launch event for the collaborative release of GATE and the YWCA Canada's Feminist Economic Recovery Plan. Panelists discussed the significant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially on disadvantaged groups as well as the frameworks required to move forward.
Stephanie Kelton on “The Deficit Myth”
Stephanie Kelton, author and Professor of Economics and Public Policy, joins GATE to go beyond asking the self-defeating question of how to pay for the crucial improvements our society needs, but rather to ask: which deficits actually matter? | June 23, 2020
Livestream launch event: Transitioning Employers report
Toronto launch and panel discussion of an exciting new report, looking at the first trans inclusion workplace policies audit across Canada’s largest employers by GATE and Pride at Work Canada.
How to Build Back Better After COVID-19
Webinar: What it means for organizations to build back better after COVID-19. Professors Sarah Kaplan and Soo Min Toh discuss the inequalities in the current workforce highlighted by the crisis.
Postponed – Experts Discuss “How Innovation in Accessible Products, Services & Mindsets Promotes Change”
Postponed due to COVID-19. GATE presents a panel discussion co-hosted by Access to Success at Rotman, Human Capital Club, The Letters, and WIMA on how inclusive innovation can promote change in organizations and society.