The benefits of raising daughters: Increasing gender diversity in venture capital
The subtle elimination of bias in hiring decisions (in this case, via lifelong exposure to gender diversity through raising daughters) is both good for its own sake, and for firm performance.
Promoting women to management may reinforce bias in male-dominated occupations
In male-dominated fields, such as engineering, where women experience rapid mobility into managerial roles, this study suggests that an inverted role hierarchy may disadvantage such women.
Debate: Does diversity training work?
Organizations are constantly challenged to create environments for every employee to feel included and valued. We report on our Oxford-style debate on the effectiveness of diversity training in achieving these goals.
Double standards in evaluation
Average men get the benefit of the doubt
Crowdfunding as activism
Why more women support female founders online and in underrepresented industries
Not all women’s entrepreneurship is created equal
How work-family conflict can segregate women into lower-status ventures and reinforce gender gaps in entrepreneurship.