Authentic enough? Navigating gender expression and social acceptance for transgender employees
This research examines how the gender expression of transgender individuals evolves as they transition at work.
Reporting on precarious ground: Women in digital journalism
The precarity experienced by women of colour working in digital journalism has been overlooked.
The delegation dilemma: Why women leaders hesitate to hand off tasks
This study finds that women leaders have more negative associations with delegation compared to men, leading women to delegate less.
Addressing himpathy: How organizations can navigate bias in sexual assault allegations
Himpathy describes sympathy with a male perpetrator of sexual assault that may harm the victim.
Lavender Ceiling: LGBTQ+ Board Directors in Canada
A research overview on LGBTQ+ representation in Canadian corporate boards. In partnership with LGBTQ+ Corporate Directors Canada Association.
The unequal burden of care: How does parental leave affect immigrant care workers in Canada?
Immigrant women experience financial penalties after taking time off for their children.