How might standardizing organizational processes reduce racial inequality?
This study examines two selection tools to show how some standardized processes for eliminating bias (e.g. blind hiring) may not have the intended effects.
Why changing gendered behaviour does not equate to gender equality
This study examines how a program in the Democratic Republic of Congo challenged gender norms by helping men change their individual gendered behaviours. Despite these changes, men still adhered to gender hierarchy, suggesting that gender equality requires more systemic transformation.
Why professional women may enact intentional invisibility
Gender bias and discrimination often prevent women from advancement throughout their careers. This study looks at how professional women enact a strategy of “intentional invisibility” to achieve their career goals when encountering structural gender inequality.
How women’s empowerment messaging may impede gender equality
This brief examines five experimental studies which dispel the notion that women can reduce gender inequality in the workplace by simply “leaning in” and overcoming internal barriers like lack of confidence.
A Feminist Economic Recovery Plan for Canada
An exciting new collaborative release from GATE and the YWCA Canada, highlighting 8 pillars for recovery with a focus on supporting the care economy, investing in social infrastructure and lifting up women-owned businesses.
Transitioning Employers: A survey of policies and practices for trans inclusive workplaces
An exciting new report looking at the first trans inclusion workplace policies audit across Canada’s largest employers by GATE and Pride at Work Canada.