In a few short years, GATE has built a strong foundation for bringing key gender insights to impact through game-changing guidance building a better and inclusive society for tomorrow.

With visionary philanthropic support, we will amplify and expand on this impact. Together, by raising a total of $10 million to build a robust research, education and community outreach program, we can set the future course of gender equality in our economy — both within Canada, and around the world.

“GATE is doing research that hasn’t been done before. Their findings and insights are crucial to understanding how we can increase equality and inclusivity in our organizations.”

Jonathan Lister (BA ‘94, MBA ‘00) Vice President of Global Sales, LinkedIn

Our supporters are motivated to co-create a world-leading institution that advances the world’s understanding of challenges related to gender in the economy. Together, we are creating solutions that will result in lasting, disruptive change.

Power Circle

Our Power Circle members commit $50,000 or more to support our mission. If you’d like to find out more about being a Power Circle member, click here. To explore ways to support GATE with a transformational gift, please contact us here.

The M. Bonham Charitable Foundation

Sarah Kaplan (Distinguished Professor of Gender & the Economy)

Latner Family
Jonathan Lister (B.A. ’94, MBA ’00)

Kevin Lobo (MBA ’95)

Kerrie MacPherson (BCOM ’86, MBA ’91)

Anita McGahan (George E. Connell Chair in Organizations & Society)

Barry (BCOM ’85, MBA ’87) and Rose McInerney (B.A. ’86, B.Ed ’88)

Florence S. Narine (MBA ’05)

Hilary Partner (MBA ’18)

Donate Today

Support in any amount is welcome!

Donations can be made via the University of Toronto’s online portal by clicking the donate button or for more information please contact us directly via email.

Donate Today

Individual Supporters

We would like to thank the following individuals who have supported our work. You can donate here.

Cara L. Allaway
Sarah Albo (MBA ’18)
Hugh J. Arnold
Craig Barlow
Andrea Vasquez Camargo
Heather Campbell (MBA ’19)
Tiziana Casciaro
Teresa Catalano
Anna Y. Chau (MBA ’17)
Jillian E. Darroch Chown (MBA ’06, PhD ’16)
Darlene E. Clover (BA ’94, PhD ’99)
Linda Dudek
Kathryn A. Djordjevic (MBA ’17)
The Evangelist Family
Latner Family
Kecen K. Fan
Kimberely Fletcher
Delee Fromm
Jingqi Guo
Bilal Habib
Dr. Wei He (PhD ’01)
Rocca Morra Hodge
Verónica Hernandez Herrera (MBA ’19)
Janet Hudgins
Farah Huq
Celeste Jalbert (MBA ’17)
Gillian Jazzar and Anaya Jazzar
Dilek Karasoy (MBA ’20)
Dolores Keating-Mallen
Lindsay Manning
Jennifer A. Molluso (MBA ’05)
Carolyn Morris
Bonnie Gar-Kay Lam
Jennifer Lancaster and Blaine Padgett
Elizabeth Lee
Ruth Mandel – WHO GIVES Fund
Tushar Mathur
Nancy Martin
Mary H. Mullens (MBA ’02)
Ashley Nagi (MBA ’20)
Pablo L. Nazé (MBA ’20)
Chinedum Nwaogwugwu (MBA ’20)
Narjis Premjee (MBA ’19)
Rebecca Reuber
Alicia Riolino (MBA ’19)
Katie R. Rock
Adil Sethi (MBA ’19)
Kim Shannon (MBA ’93)
Neha Shrivastava (MBA, 2022)
Dilip Soman
Brian Silverman
Camille Simardone (BCOMM ’14)
Marilyn Spink
The Mehta-Rahim Foundation
Geoffrey and Kenya Thompson-Leonardelli
Myha Truong-Regan
Helen Vavougios (MBA ’16)
Rosemary Williamson (MBA ’20)
Stacy Zosky

Interested in exploring opportunities to support GATE’s transformational work? Please contact us at if you would like to have a conversation about supporting GATE and click here to download a PDF highlighting what we do and how you can support our mission.