Research briefs, news, and event recaps related to careers and jobs.
The Myth of the Classless Society
Rotman Management Magazine
An individual's social class of origin continues to play an enduring role in shaping life and economic trajectories.
Research briefs, news, and event recaps related to careers and jobs.
Rotman Management Magazine
An individual's social class of origin continues to play an enduring role in shaping life and economic trajectories.
Many businesses write mission statements that affirm their support for diversity and put their staff through “implicit bias training." Both steps are well-intentioned but can be counter-productive if not backed by deeper changes, warns Sarah Kaplan in the Financial Times.
See this segment with Sarah Kaplan on TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin which aired on International Women's Day 2017. It covers some of the key issues to consider when thinking about gender and the economy.
How stereotypical masculinity is rewarded over competence
The Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail
Canadian Business
Our Executive-in-Residence Vanessa Iarocci reviews Smart Girls: Success, School, and the Myth of Post-Feminism, for Stanford Social Innovation Review
The Globe and Mail