Research briefs, news, and event recaps related to careers and jobs.
Do women in tech work experience a “glass escalator”?
A look at how gender norms have influenced men's ranking compared to women, in masculinized tech workplaces.
Research briefs, news, and event recaps related to careers and jobs.
A look at how gender norms have influenced men's ranking compared to women, in masculinized tech workplaces.
Special event from University of Toronto’s alumni relations: GATE Director Sarah Kaplan talks about “Gender and the Economy - Lessons from COVID-19 for the New World of Work"| March 1, 2022
There is a common perception that employees with families are less committed to their work than single, childless employees. This study looks at how single, childless workers in fact report lower absorption in their work than those with other family structures.
This study indicates that due to social identity threat, women engineers experience mental exhaustion at a much higher rate than men engineers.
In our fourth Industry Partner Workshop on September 23, 2019, our researchers and partners engaged with topics such as race and gender in digital journalism, gender stereotypes and entrepreneurial financing, and de-biasing job postings.
This experimental study demonstrates that women are penalized in terms of advancement opportunities when they self-report sexual harassment, due to the perception that these women are violating social norms.
Gender diversity has increased over the past few decades in capital markets, but not much has changed at the leadership level. What contributes to this underrepresentation, and what can the industry do to improve it?
Research by András Tilcsik (GATE grant recipient) and Sonia Kang (GATE Faculty Research Fellow) on resume whitening is referenced by CNN.
This policy brief examines the benefits and drawbacks of the gig economy, and why companies, governments, worker cooperatives and researchers should work to ensure the safety and rights of gig workers.
Attracting and retaining diverse talent has been a persistent challenge within financial services. This case study examines the current state of the industry and asks how capital markets can foster an environment that is inclusive and supports career advancement for women as well as men.