About Robert
Robert is a JD/MBA student at the Faculty of Law and Rotman School of Management who is always seeking to improve the lives of those around him. He is a highly driven creative thinker with a passion for people. As a gay man, a student, and a future lawyer, Robert recognizes the importance of being involved in his various communities. He is the Vice President of Student Affairs and Governance for the Students’ Law Society and the President of both Out in Law and the First Generation Network. He has also worked for four years in the vacation rental industry doing work in customer service and trust & security. Robert holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Psychology from Western University, where he received the Gold Medal for finishing his studies at the top of his class.
MBA Student Fellow Project
Robert’s project explored experiences of white male privilege in Toronto’s corporate law market. Inspired by Hadiya Roderique’s “Black on Bay Street”, Robert wanted to know how issues surrounding diversity, inclusion, and privilege were viewed from the perspectives of those who experience that privilege. Through exploratory interviews with eight white male law students at the University of Toronto, this project aimed to encourage corporate law firms (as well as the legal industry more broadly) to continue finding creative and meaningful ways of engaging with and addressing racial inequities in corporate law.